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of vehicles individual












Model construction



MERBIL supports in an advisory capacity already with the choice of your base vehicle. Thus you have as a customer the right foundation for your vehicle.

Together customer and MERBlL determine the individual requirements. Here your personal claims are taken into consideration and flow in onto the construction and manufacturing the exclusive vehicle structure building. (more)

We take over the expert assembly from sanitary arrangement, heating system and air-conditioning.

MERBIL already plans before manufacturing the tailor-made construction the kitchen, equipment and the sanitary area. (more)

With pleasure MERBIL at customer wish mounts modern mobile office and communication equipment.

MERBIL offers by EURO costumer service.




MERBIL FB I DE - 47249 Duisburg I Münchener Str. 7 I GERMANY I Tel.: +49 203 40 65 65 9 I Fax: +49 203 44 92 183